Usage of ApiDoc

Main commands

apidoc builds the full documentation

$ apidoc -h

Generics Arguments

To generate documentation from a given source file:

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml

see page Source’s File Format

To generate documentation from split sources in multiple files:

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_multiple/one.yml ./example/source_multiple/two.yml

see page Source’s File Format

To generate documentation from the files contained in a given directory:

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_multiple/

see page Source’s File Format

To generate documentation with options defined in a given config file:

$ apidoc -c ./example/config/config.yaml

see page Config’s File Format

Combining those options:

$ apidoc -c ./config.yaml -i ./folder1/ ./folder2/ /folder3/file.yaml /folder3/file.json

Analyse the sources files without buiilding the documentation:

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml -y

Render automaticly the documentation each time a file is changed:

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml -w

Display less logging informations

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml -q
$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml -qq

Display traceback (for advanced users)

$ apidoc -i ./example/source_simple/simple.yml -t